Monday, August 25, 2014

How to install Google Authenticator on Kindle Fire HDX

This procedure was tested on a Kindle Fire HDX 7" tablet.

Experienced users can simply complete the three shortcuts on your kindle and skip to step 7.

  1. Open Apps and go to Store
  2. Install the APK Installer
  3. Open the silk browser
  4. go to and search for “ZXing”
  5. Find the ZXing barcode reader and download the latest version
  6. search for google authenticator and download the latest version
  7. Open APK installer
  8. Find the two apps Barcode Reader and Authenticator.
  9. Check them both
  10. press batch install

Once install is complete you can use google authenticator on your Kindle Fire HDX and use the built-in camera to scan QR codes to add them to your authenticator.

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